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Astrological Colors
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by Astrologer, Linda Ashland

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)                                                                           Ruled by the sun, you crave the spotlight with bright, golden colors and ornate even theatrical interiors. 

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)                                                                      You're exactly the opposite, a minimalist who loves spare, meticulously organized rooms in dark brown, greens, navy and earth colors.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)                                                                       As the true aesthelte of the zodiac, you love pastels and soft colors in refined, balanced rooms. Nothing coarse allowed, but expect offbeat touches, like some funky flea market find.

SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov. 21)                                                                     Ashlands sums up your decor in three little words: "Sexy!, Sexy!, Sexy!" Think black leather, deep reds, burgundies and sensual touches like leopard prints.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21)                                                              You're a traveler whose rooms are rich with souvenirs and designs expressing your own ethnic background. Favorite colors are rich and dark; purples to browns.

CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19)                                                                  Three more words: "Serious, Serious, Serious." You like serious art, and will "cough up" for investment antiques. Your colors: Navy black and gray in menswear patterns.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18)                                                                   For you, whatever's cool, translucent, clear and high-tech to the max. At the top of your color chart: icy whites and electric blues.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)                                                                      A stone water sigh, so no wonder you love living with the blues and greens of the sea and natural concomilants like aquariums.

ARIES (Mar. 21-April 19)                                                                        With Mars as your ruler, bright, "aggressive" reds come naturally (including oranges and corals). Also for you; glazed chintz, polished finishes, iron furniture.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)                                                                      Just give you the luxuries of life, velvets, brocades, down-filled, deeped fringed pillows in any shade of lush pink.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)                                                                      Mercury rules, so look for quicksilver metallics and bright yellows in rooms remarkable for their lack of clutter ("Mercury equals agile, which equals spatial freedom").

CANCER (June 21-July 22)                                                                      Home-loving Cancers love sea and moon colors, silvery and pale and you love excess: comfy rooms with lots of clutter.

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